United Sydney Association
a tax exempt charity with 501(c)3 IRS status

Established in 2000 and dedicated to raise funds to benefit research and developement 
for the prevention, intervention and eventual cure of Cerebral Palsy & other brain injuries
Why the United Sydney Association and our events ?

Brain injury (cerebral palsy aka cp) effects about 1 of 500 children and 10% of all premature newborns. CP has been on the rise since the 1960's. In the '60's, medical science was unable to save the lives of the many fragile newborns under 3 lbs. Today, doctors are capable of saving infants as small as 1 lb or less. Unfortunately, brain injury is occuring due to the lack of oxygen reaching the immature brain. More children are effected by CP than diabetes, down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, leukemia, autism and many other high profile conditions. CP has the highest lifetime cost of any condition arising from early brain injury or birth defect. The NIH estimates the national cost is aproximately $5 billion...and climbing.

Originally at Children's Hospital, Boston,  Dr du Plessis has moved his studies to Children's National Medical Center in Washington, DC. His research & clinical activities are focused on mechanisms of injury to the immature brain in high risk populations including the fetus and infant with congenital heart disease, infants born prematurely & infants exposed to perinatal asphyxia. He has developed techniques for evaluating continuous cerebral blood flow and metabolism at the bedside of high-risk infants using primarily near infared spectroscopy. Dr du Plessis has mentored trainees from multiple disciplines with our support. A number of these trainees have achieved independant research funding & leadership positions in large academic centers around the world.

The final goal for the United Sydney Association is the cure for cerebral palsy and other brain injuries that could include stroke, Parkinson's, Lou Gherig's, accident victims & macular degeneration. The research in brain cell regeneration is being done by Dr. Jeff Macklis at The Macklis Lab @ the Harvard Stem Cell & Regenerative Biology. The lab is directed toward both understanding the molecular controls & developement in the cerebral cortex and applying developmental controls toward brain & spinal cord repair.

Our 1st outing was on 8/21/00 at the Glastonbury Hills Country Club.

Since then......

A total of over $500,000 has been distributed in over 15 years
for these great reseach & developement programs. 
left to right

Dr. Macklis (Harvard lab), 


Dr. Bassan (Tel Aviv Children's Hospital), 

Dr. du Plessis (Children's National Hospital) 

Dr. Limperopoulis (Children's National Hospital)
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